Annually we send the questionnaire by mail to our customers , in which we ask about the quality of our equipment, as well as its performance characteristics, in order to track the efficiency of our equipment for a long time (at some plants our equipment is operated for 20 years, it is enough to have good air preparation and to audit it. There are examples of responses to our questionnaire below:
- Peshelansky Gypsum Plant
Parameters. There are less than ten numbers of operations per hour. The air cannons are controlled from the button, there is no controller. Air comes from the factory pneumatic system at 6 bar. The hopper is located indoors, the walls of the bunker are metal. It is necessary to beat from time to time on the bunker, but much less often than without air cannons. The air cannons did not go out of order. The mark is 4 (five-point scale).
“Effective and do not destroy the bunker”.
- Whitemix LLC
System parameters. Air cannons operates from 10-60 times per hour, controlled by a button, pressure is 10 bar from a stand-alone compressor. Bunkers are located indoors, the walls of the bunker are metal. Never have to pound the bunker, there are no claims for exploitation, and spare parts are not needed. The score is 5.
“Your equipment was a solution to the problem of hanging dry construction mixtures in the receiving hopper. We give a positive assessment to your equipment and gratitude to the entire ISTA team”.
- PJSC “Metafrax”
Characteristics of the declogging system. The air cannons operates less than 10 times per hour, the control mode from the automatic control unit, air cannons feed from the factory pneumatic supply at 6 bar. Bunkers are located indoors, the material of the walls is metal. Sometimes you have to bounce the bunker from time to time, but much less often than before air cannon installation (when the raw material is very wet, so that the guns only make tunnels). The score is 3.
- “Bread” in Syzran
Parameters. The air cannons are triggered from 10-60 times per hour, automatically from the control unit, fed from the factory pneumatic supply at 8 bar. The bunkers themselves are in an enclosed space, the walls of the bunker are metal. Do not have to pound the bunker at all. Spare parts are not needed. The mark is 4.