The ISTA units for starting confetti
– a safe powerful volley without using pyrotechnics. Effectively. Safely. Without gunpowder!

When carrying out mass events everywhere there are announcements Do not smoke!, but powerful pyrotechnics are used. Safety becomes higher if use pressurized air!

Long-term hobby based on many years of cooperation with stunt men and producers of special effects, leading domestic film studios and theaters led to the replacement of specific pyrotechnic devices with ISTA pneumatic launchers.

Later, our products were interested in large event agencies, and for private events.
Advantages of devices for starting ISTA confetti

Environmental friendliness
All devices are based on the compressed air, so its are safe, environmentally friendly and convenient.

Long service
Equipments can be used many times, consumed material – compressed air.

All equipments are divided into portable and stationary (stadium).

Easy to use
Compressed air for stationary launchers from the industrial pressure line, and for portable from a standard paintball balloon.

In all designs, transparent polycarbonate barrels are used to provide the addition safety.

In the production of these products, the same high requirements are applied as for our main products-professional rescue equipment.